IMCO's Public Market Alternatives (PMA) delivers diversified returns uncorrelated to the equity markets for our clients, and the liquidity to stay agile in changing market conditions.
IMCO's PMA program offers a powerful combination of true diversification and absolute returns, matched by flexibility and a commitment to innovation. By remaining separate from equities, our strategy seeks to deliver high-value returns to our clients on a risk-adjusted basis while staying liquid and flexible to take full advantage of rapidly shifting market dynamics.
Our PMA team's expertise is enhanced by a unique "incubator" approach to emerging opportunities, from investing in mining financing to gain exposure to rising commodity cycles or taking royalty positions on specific healthcare sector segments. Our select, in-depth relationships with world-class external managers bring a proven and sustainable advantage to the table, offering differentiated investment opportunities with attractive terms to our clients. All our fund manager selections are benchmarked against ESG screening, analysis and stewardship practices.
We invest in a variety of mandates—from equity neutral, event-driven, and global macro and currency investments to volatility arbitrage—to enhance risk-adjusted returns. IMCO's collaborative, nimble approach to solving investment challenges while creating client value enable us to move quickly and with conviction while maintaining a disciplined and transparent view of risk.