IMCO included in Ontario’s Fall Economic Statement
TORONTO (November 5, 2021) – The Investment Management Corporation of Ontario (“IMCO”) was recently included in the 2021 Ontario Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review, delivered by The Honourable Peter Bethlenfalvy, Minister of Finance.
IMCO was cited on page 86:
Working with the Investment Management Corporation of Ontario
“The Investment Management Corporation of Ontario (IMCO) was created as a pooled asset
manager for Ontario’s broader public-sector institutions. IMCO operates at arm’s
length from the government and aims to deliver dynamic, cost-efficient investing
solutions for broader public-sector pensions and investment funds. Through
consolidated broader public-sector asset management, IMCO aims to reduce investment
management costs and provide access to a broader range of investment strategies. This
includes strong client portfolio management, improved access to investments, and risk
management capabilities. The government will continue to work with IMCO in the
execution of its mandate.”
The full report is available here: 2021 Ontario Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review – Build Ontario.
The Investment Management Corporation of Ontario (IMCO) manages $79 billion of assets on behalf of its clients. Designed exclusively to drive better investment outcomes for Ontario's broader public sector, IMCO operates under an independent, not-for-profit, cost recovery structure. It provides leading investment management services, including portfolio construction advice, better access to a diverse range of asset classes and sophisticated risk management capabilities. As one of Canada's largest institutional investors, we invest around the world and execute large transactions efficiently. Our scale gives clients access to a well-diversified global portfolio, including sought-after private and alternative asset classes. Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter @imcoinvest.